New Technology to Help You Get Out And Stay Out of Pain
Nicky Snazell Clinic leads where others follow
Nicky Snazell Clinic has been at the leading edge of introducing new technology since it opened in 2007. We are delighted to announce that this time we have done it again, not just once but twice. Yes, we have added two new technologies that are rarely available in the UK.
And these technologies can help treat conditions that previously we were unable to treat.
Many years ago, we added radial shockwave to our arsenal of technology, one of the first clinics in the UK to do so. It was relatively so new in the UK that we had to go to France and Luxembourg to get quality training. As a result, we have had considerable success in helping to treat the causes of pain which were shallow in the body, up to 3cm deep. Since then, and rightly so, many other clinics have seen the benefits of radial shockwave and added it to their capability.

A significant limitation of radial shockwave, however, is that its effective depth is too shallow to treat many conditions. It is also too painful to treat many superficial problems like tennis or golfers’ elbow and would be out of the question for bone fractures.
Focussed shockwave is able to deliver far more energy than radial shockwave, and with far greater precision.
Focussed shockwave is very different to radial shockwave. Whereas radial shockwaves are greatest at the skin surface and then become weaker as they diverge, focussed shockwaves converge as they penetrate the body, reaching their maximum energy at the focus point, around 12.5cm deep. The actual treatment depth is adjustable by spacers, thus allowing treatment at any depth up to 12.5 cm.
Focussed shockwave is able to deliver far more energy than radial shockwave, and with far greater precision. As a result, focussed shockwave can treat many conditions that are not possible with radial shockwave. Focused shockwaves are high energy sound waves that are delivered deep into damaged tissue with high precision. These high energy waves increase blood flow, improve overall cell structure, stimulate stem cells, release growth factors and have an analgesic effect whilst stimulating the body’s natural repair and regeneration processes.
What can we treat with focussed shockwave?
- Osteoarthritis
- Tendinopathies
- Insertional tendinopathies
- Carpal tunnel
- Deep seated tendons
- Medial tibial stress syndrome
- Bone fractures
- Stress injuries
- Stress fractures – non unions
- Degenerative Pathologies
- Osteitis Pubis
- Spinal facet joint pain
- Coccydynia
- Acute pain and flare ups
- Wound healing
- Chronic pelvic pain syndrome
Want to get better faster? Focused shockwave can provide fast pain relief and increased mobility.
The second technology we have added is even more rare than focussed shockwave. There are very few in the UK. It’s called Extracorporeal Magneto Transduction Therapy (EMTT) and it’s a new state of the art therapy available at Nicky Snazell Clinic.
EMTT is highly tolerated, even with the most painful conditions.
EMTT uses high energy magnetic fields for regeneration and rehabilitation at a cellular level. It can penetrate the body up to 18cm deep stimulating biological processes and speeds up tissue repair. The treatment initiates an anti-inflammatory response, reducing pain and inflammation in affected areas of the body, making it perfect for clients with:
- Acute pain presentation
- Irritable flare ups
- Neuropathic pain
- Diffused pain
- Degenerative pain such as osteoarthritis
- Rheumatic conditions
EMTT is highly tolerated, even with the most painful conditions. It speeds up the healing of tendons, bones and nerves.
During treatment, painful areas of the body are treated with high-energy magnetic pulses of such intensity that it is possible to achieve a therapeutic effect in the cells. The individual pulses penetrate the tissue so that even deeper tissue layers can be reached.
What can we treat with EMTT?
- Osteoarthritis
- Non-specific lower back pain
- Nerve entrapments (carpal tunnel, sciatica)
- Bursitis
- Rheumatologic pain
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Non-union fractures
- Stress fractures
- Osseocronosis
- Implant osseointegration
- Tendinopathies
- Plantar fasciitis
- Accelerated sports recovery
Combined Treatment
Not surprisingly, focussed shockwave and EMTT complement each other. Better and faster results have been obtained by combining these two technologies.
Ask your therapist for more information.