We are world-renowned Physiotherapists, so if you are interested in Physiotherapy with our team, please find out more here.
For wellness and health maintenance, speak to our team about ongoing support to ensure you are at your peak health.
Sports Injury & Rehab
Sports injuries need fixing fast so that you can get back to your favourite sport asap. Our Sports Therapists have the skill and technology you need.
Chronic Pain or Injury
Don’t suffer chronic unresolved pain needlessly. Our combination of specialist skills and technology show that such conditions can be resolved without the risks of surgery.

Chase Run Lab
Providing you with access to highly qualified therapists who really
understand running gait and biomechanics. Supported by Footscan
technology, we can provide you with a detailed understanding of your
current problems and how to improve. If you want to reduce pain and
the risk of injury, or just run further, faster, we can help.
Nicky Snazell’s Wellness, Pain Relief & Physiotherapy Stafford
We relieve your pain by treating your whole body, inside and out, without the need for drugs or surgery
Former Harley Street Consultant
Trusted By Over 16,000 Clients Globally
Furthest Referral Sydney Australia
Ongoing Research Provides You With Cutting Edge Knowledge and Skills
Nicky has travelled extensively to work alongside and learn from leaders in their field, from Europe to North America to The Far East. She has distilled all this knowledge into her own unique treatment technique. Not content to stand still, she continues to research and study every day, constantly looking for new knowledge to take her treatment skills to ever-higher levels. She is already working on her sixth book to ensure this knowledge is available to all and constantly teaches the team at her clinic.
What do we mean by inside and out?
We have treated well over 16,000 clients, and as a result, we have the experience and expertise to build a solid understanding of the causes of most pain. What we have learnt, over and over again, is that pain in the musculoskeletal structure, the bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments, is quite often linked to or even a direct result of mental and health issues.
For example, we have found that a person’s chronic back pain was directly linked to childhood trauma. By resolving that trauma, the chronic back pain disappeared.
Similarly, we look at each client’s overall health with four key measures of
• Mindset
• Diet & nutrition
• Fitness
• Lifestyle
and the measures are simplified into easily understood red, amber and green traffic lights. Our goal is to move clients to four green keys. Importantly we understand that the treatment provided must be in line with the client's health status. For example, some treatments would be contraindicated at four red keys but appropriate at a mixture of amber and green keys.
Hence optimised results can only be achieved by treatment inside and out.
All our team will make you feel welcome, safe and confident with the friendly, professional and highly efficient treatment you receive.
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Thank you in advance.
Nicky x