Why Do We Hurt and How Do We Change Our Lifestyle to Avoid Pain?

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 20, 2017 | Comments Off on Why Do We Hurt and How Do We Change Our Lifestyle to Avoid Pain?

This brings us to the question: why do we have pain? Many people view pain as a bad thing in itself, but it is nature’s warning system, meant to protect us. When someone brings us bad news, we don’t shoot the messenger, do we? Instead, we listen to what the messenger has to say, and…

The 4 Keys

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 19, 2017 | Comments Off on The 4 Keys

In Ancient cultures shamans and doctors were only paid if they kept their clients free from illness and fit and well. They taught their clients how to prevent illness as best as they could with knowledge about their mindset, eating and drinking from fresh nutrient rich sources, advising on their activity level and safety of…

'The Body’ Nicky’s second instalment of her fantastic ‘Human Garage’ Trilogy is days away from release!

By Pain Relief Clinic | August 8, 2016 | Comments Off on 'The Body’ Nicky’s second instalment of her fantastic ‘Human Garage’ Trilogy is days away from release!

  ‘The Body’ Nicky’s second instalment of her fantastic ‘Human Garage’ Trilogy is days away from release!   To celebrate we are offering an amazing 45% off any Magnetic Resonance Treatment. If you or someone you know needs help with Osteoarthritis, Bone Problems, Sports Injuries or Spinal Disc issues.   Call us on 01889 881488…

Nicky Snazell Wins Excellence in Patient Service Award

By Pain Relief Clinic | May 16, 2016 | Comments Off on Nicky Snazell Wins Excellence in Patient Service Award

The Pain Relief Clinic is pleased to announce Consultant Physiotherapist, Nicky Snazell, has won a top award and national recognition for ‘Excellence in Patient Service’ at a Gala Dinner, held by The Acupuncture Association for Chartered Physiotherapists, (AACP). The prestigious awards dinner was held on Friday 13th May at the Hilton Hotel in Coventry as…

For the love of dance

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 28, 2015 | Comments Off on For the love of dance

Love to Dance… For those of you who love to dance on a regular basis – whether for your job, for exercise or for the sheer love of it – you will already by familiar with the absolute joy that dancing can bring you, and you’ll crave that unmistakable “buzz” inside you, with the happy…

The key to healthly exercise

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 24, 2015 | Comments Off on The key to healthly exercise
Golf Swing

The key to healthly exercise is just that.Let’s take another look at why we should exercise so we can hold a green fitness key.Today I find that humans are far too sedentary, all too often sitting in front of a computer by day, followed by sitting in front of a TV at night. This lack…

The 4 keys to health

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 18, 2015 | Comments Off on The 4 keys to health
Healthy Food

The 4 keys to health is all about investing in the healthiest happiest future you could wish for with sound scientific knowledge and big spoonfuls of commonsense and experience.Tonights blog is for nutrition week. The traffic lights approach to healthfor the 4 keys to health gives one point for every yes answer. 0 – 3:…

Exercise is vital for healthy aging

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 12, 2015 | Comments Off on Exercise is vital for healthy aging
tennis injuries

Exercise is vital for healthy ageing, so get out of that chair! When we slouch in our chairs, we don’t breathe correctly, we have less lung capacity, less oxygen, a poorer blood flow, a weaker heart, and less nutrient delivery. Smooth muscles tighten up to take up the slack, and our blood pressure readings go…

Tennis Elbow Part 3

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 4, 2014 | Comments Off on Tennis Elbow Part 3

Welcome back to the series of articles about physiotherapy and tennis elbow (also known as lateral epicondylitis, lateral epicondylosis and lateral epicondylalgia). So far we have covered who is affected by tennis elbow, the anatomy of the elbow and which muscles or tendons are most likely to be injured. This article will try to give…

Eat, drink, but don’t be acid

By Pain Relief Clinic | December 15, 2013 | Comments Off on Eat, drink, but don’t be acid
Good food or is it?

I am sure you have heard about lemmings, those little animals that supposedly follow their leader and all jump off a cliff to their deaths. Now at first thought, you may be thinking dumb leader and dumb followers. But if you look at human behaviour, much of what we do is very lemming like. For…