Treat Locked In Pain With 21st Century Expertise & Technology

By Pain Relief Clinic | July 3, 2024 | Comments Off on Treat Locked In Pain With 21st Century Expertise & Technology

Whenever we have had a life-changing trauma, the whole body records it. Physically as well as mentally, our fight or flight reactions can hard-wire responses.  In a traumatic moment, if we have been emotionally abused or upset or terrified or hurt, the body tenses. Our bodies are covered with a layer of fascia (imagine bubble…

Can We Help You With Your Sports Injury?

By Pain Relief Clinic | June 26, 2024 | Comments Off on Can We Help You With Your Sports Injury?

A couple of common questions we get from clients with a Sports Injury are: Are you equipped at our clinic to treat your kind of injury? How can I trust that you have the expertise to know how to fix your injury, because you are desperate to get back to your sport as it is…

What is Women’s Health Physiotherapy and what to expect?

By Pain Relief Clinic | June 11, 2024 | Comments Off on What is Women’s Health Physiotherapy and what to expect?

During a womens health appointment, firstly you will be made to feel at ease! You can expect a thorough discussion about your condition which will include taking a full medical history, discuss your symptoms and concerns related to this and sometimes discuss things more holistically around your whole health. You will also be asked whether…

Sandra Wright Joins Our Team

By Pain Relief Clinic | June 4, 2024 | Comments Off on Sandra Wright Joins Our Team

Olympic Bronze Medalist 1992 Barcelona Women’s Health & MSK Physiotherapist When I started working in the Staffordshire area I soon heard about Nicky Snazell and how she was an amazing holistic practitioner. That was me, a holistic physio who looked at people as a whole. I was intrigued. I wanted to find out a lot…

1in 3 Women Suffer Pelvic Floor Problems Find Out How To Reclaim Control

By Pain Relief Clinic | May 31, 2024 | Comments Off on 1in 3 Women Suffer Pelvic Floor Problems Find Out How To Reclaim Control

Women are not talking about their Pelvic Health enough. Perhaps it’s because they are too shy or too embarrassed to talk about it. Not discussing these openly can lead to a sense of isolation for those suffering with the symptoms of bladder or bowel incontinence, prolapse, sexual dysfunction or any other pelvic health condition.  Sadly,…

Important Ambassador Referral Scheme Update

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 25, 2024 | Comments Off on Important Ambassador Referral Scheme Update

We have had to make some changes to our half price Ambassador offer because it has caused a lot of confusion.   Read on to find out what the changes are and how you can still get 12 months of half price treatment.   A few weeks ago we launched an unbelievably good referral offer…

Deep Tissue Massage

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 23, 2024 | Comments Off on Deep Tissue Massage
Sports Massage

There are various types of massage and often the most avoided is Deep Tissue, simply because the name is a bit scary and it sounds painful. But be under no illusion, Deep Tissue Massage opens pandora’s box to feeling in less pain, more flexible and healthier than you have in your life. Find out more…

Three Questions You Must Get Answered Before You Go Near Any Therapy Clinic

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 23, 2024 | Comments Off on Three Questions You Must Get Answered Before You Go Near Any Therapy Clinic

It’s all too easy to choose the first clinic you see listed or hear about. After all, they must surely all be same and it will save me a whole lot of time if I stick with this one, won’t it? Well, no, actually it won’t, any more than searching for a car with four…

Rub A Dub Dub

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 23, 2024 | Comments Off on Rub A Dub Dub

Most of us know deep down that a good massage helps alleviate pain, stress and anxiety, and helps promote flexibility and looking younger. Why is it then that most casually dismiss the benefits of an occasional rub, even though they may be needlessly suffering some, or even all of the above symptoms? Read on to…

Sciatica: What causes it and how to treat it.

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 16, 2024 | Comments Off on Sciatica: What causes it and how to treat it.
Impact of Leverage

Have you ever been haunted by a knife-like pain down your leg? Not just down your leg but in every aspect of your life. Making the simplest of tasks, like putting your socks on, impossible. Imagine a pain that shadows you from the moment you get up and even haunts you at night, stopping you…