4 Keys Approach Will Be Vital To Deal With The Upcoming Tidal Wave Of Post COVID – 19 Chronic Pain, Depression and Anxiety

By Pain Relief Clinic | December 6, 2020 | Comments Off on 4 Keys Approach Will Be Vital To Deal With The Upcoming Tidal Wave Of Post COVID – 19 Chronic Pain, Depression and Anxiety

COVID-19 has dominated our lives for nearly a year now and while we may be becoming immune to the subject, there are new articles emerging constantly as we learn more about this epidemic, providing important new insights, which we should not ignore. A recent paper, referenced below, published by physiotherapist Dr Adriaan Louw, written for…

Nicky Snazell’s Wellness & Physiotherapy Clinic Christmas & New Year Hours

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 25, 2020 | Comments Off on Nicky Snazell’s Wellness & Physiotherapy Clinic Christmas & New Year Hours

This year we will be closed from Thursday 24th December until Friday 1st January inclusive. We will reopen on Monday 4th January. There is bound to be a rush for appointments before Christmas, so don’t leave it for too long before making your appointments to ensure you are ready to enjoy your break.   Call…

Physiotherapy Is Strategically Placed To Help With Long-COVID Pain Relief

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 25, 2020 | Comments Off on Physiotherapy Is Strategically Placed To Help With Long-COVID Pain Relief

Increasingly, COVID sufferers are experiencing long term pain and debilitation and these consequences are being termed as ‘Long-COVID’ Physiotherapy has been identified as having critical importance in helping treat the upcoming surge of ‘Long- COVID’ pain sufferers. Relief from that pain needs a combination of talking and listening (psychotherapy) to calm the system down, along…

Choose The Right Exercise For You And Get The Proven Benefits

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Choose The Right Exercise For You And Get The Proven Benefits

Exercise. Even the mention of the word usually causes a groan.  We all have our reasons, or excuses, for not exercising, but mainly it’s because  we can easily imagine the short term pain, but not so easily visualise the long term benefits. We won’t even try to make it sound like dedicated and consistent exercise…

Be Smart. Halve Your Risk

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Be Smart. Halve Your Risk

This advice that has been repeated to us since early in the pandemic: Wear a mask Maintain social distance Wash your hands regularly Although this advice smacks of common sense, it is still flagrantly ignored by some. On an almost daily basis, we get patients who complain about having to wear a mask for a…

Ask The Right Question

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 18, 2020 | Comments Off on Ask The Right Question

Many of us are frustrated and confused by the arguments and counter arguments we constantly hear about just about anything.  How can expert A argue the complete opposite of expert B? Well it depends in part if they were asked the same question. So let’s start with something that probably most of us know about…

In Sickness And In Health

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 18, 2020 | Comments Off on In Sickness And In Health

It’s very important that we understand the implications of the words we use, as they can have a powerful control of our beliefs and the actions we take. Let’s take the word ‘Health’, a very common word and one with which we in the UK associate very strong beliefs. Many years ago, it was decided…

Shamanic Healing And Reiki

By Pain Relief Clinic | November 9, 2020 | Comments Off on Shamanic Healing And Reiki

In ancient times they didn’t have the medical knowledge of the body or the medicine and technology that we take for granted now. But they still had to deal with the sickness, trauma, pain, stress and all the other symptoms of life that we experience today.  This forced the ancient doctors to use their observational…

Availability Of Treatment Has Never Been More Important

By Pain Relief Clinic | October 29, 2020 | Comments Off on Availability Of Treatment Has Never Been More Important

With the daily media bombardment about COVID, it is no wonder that fear is generally growing.  Fear of the social impact of another lockdown, fear of the uncertainty of our livelihoods and even fear of our very existence. Staffordshire has announced that it will go to Tier 2 at midnight on Friday and this will…

What We are Doing About COVID-19 At Nicky Snazell Clinic

By Pain Relief Clinic | September 30, 2020 | Comments Off on What We are Doing About COVID-19 At Nicky Snazell Clinic

COVID-19 has had a dramatic affect on all our lives and not surprisingly at Nicky Snazell Clinic as well.   Our foremost concern is the safety of patients and staff and we strive to stay fully up to date with the almost daily changes and wherever possible keep ahead of the curve. More on that later.…