Breaking Point

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 10, 2024 | Comments Off on Breaking Point

Breaking Point Breaking Point is my sixth book, currently being written and hopefully in the shops by autumn. It’s atransformational fiction – solving & healing a spiritual murder mystery. This story embarks on a journey of discovery, revealing how hidden traumas lodged deep within the body can be unearthed and transformed through innovative treatments. Drawing…

Shockingly Good News

By Pain Relief Clinic | April 2, 2024 | Comments Off on Shockingly Good News

Radial shockwave provides a non-invasive gentle treatment, designed to alleviate pain and speed up recovery from injury. Despite what the name might suggest, it does not involve any kind of electrical shock treatment. Instead, it sends low energy pressure waves into damaged tissues to stimulate the body’s natural repair process, speeding up recovery and reducing…

How Clinical Running Gait Analysis Helps Runners

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 14, 2024 | Comments Off on How Clinical Running Gait Analysis Helps Runners
Footscan plantar pressure data

You may have heard of gait analysis, you may even have visited your local running shop and had someone check your running out before buying the latest running shoe, but not all running gait analysis is equal and here’s why! What if I told you that gait analysis is about more than just pronation and…

Nicky Snazell Clinic Expands Capability To Include The Chase Run Lab

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 13, 2024 | Comments Off on Nicky Snazell Clinic Expands Capability To Include The Chase Run Lab

Nicky Snazell Clinic, which has been providing biomechanical analysis for a few years, has stepped up to a higher level and introduced a new arm to it’s already formidable capability. We introduce the Chase Run Lab. Tap to call Providing you with access to highly qualified therapists who really understand gait and biomechanics.  Supported by…

Working On The Business Is Better For You In the Long Run

By Pain Relief Clinic | March 13, 2024 | Comments Off on Working On The Business Is Better For You In the Long Run

Right now the country is in turbulent waters and we need to make sure we have a strong arm on our rudder, to make sure we reach calmer waters for the long run.   Most people realise that the country is going through some turbulent times and many businesses have had to downsize or in…

How Do You Fancy Half Price Treatment?

By Pain Relief Clinic | February 26, 2024 | Comments Off on How Do You Fancy Half Price Treatment?

At some point in the not too distant future, some of the clients sitting in the waiting room with you might be paying half as much as you are for their treatment and every other treatment they have.
And it won’t have cost them a penny!

Help! I’m Looking For Input On My Next Book

By Pain Relief Clinic | February 19, 2024 | Comments Off on Help! I’m Looking For Input On My Next Book

My next book is going to be very important to me. It will probably be my last and it is thus tremendously important to me that I write a book as good as it can be, clearly communicating my message not only to the public, but also those in my profession, whatever their age. I’ve…

Softly Softly

By Pain Relief Clinic | January 17, 2024 | Comments Off on Softly Softly

We have long known that we have both a fight or flight system to deal with danger and an opposing system which calms us and relaxes us when not in danger, called the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems respectively. However, we have now learnt there is a third system of response to our environment, buried deeply…

One Small Step For You, One Giant Leap For The Quality Of Your Life

By Pain Relief Clinic | January 16, 2024 | Comments Off on One Small Step For You, One Giant Leap For The Quality Of Your Life

Wellness is an active process through which people pursue healthier habits. The benefits for you? A much more active, vibrant and healthy life. Quite a lot then! If you like the sound of this, read on…….   I embarked on a search, nearly 35 years ago, for ways to get better long-lasting, pain-relieving results from…

The Knee Joint

By Pain Relief Clinic | September 20, 2023 | Comments Off on The Knee Joint

The knee joint is a complex structure that is made up of 3 main bones: the shin bone (tibia), the thigh bone (femur), and the knee cap (patella). The knee joint keeps these bones in place and is vital for movement.  It is also one of the most stressed joints in the body, leaving it…