Radial shockwave Treatment & Technology
Shockwave treatment of Achilles Tendinitis
What is Radial Shockwave Treatment?
Radial shockwave has been extensively used in mainland Europe for many years, but has only recently been introduced to the UK and is not commonly available here. It has recently gained NICE approval. Extensive research around the world is pushing the boundaries of radial shockwave forward at a rapid pace and many new applications are being developed.
At Nicky Snazell's Pain Relief Clinic, we have travelled to Europe for education on shockwave use and have had training from an orthopaedic consultant who runs a major shockwave clinic in Luxembourg.
Shockwave is particularly effective in the treatment of:
- Plantar fasciitis | Policeman's foot
- Tendon calcification
- Adhesive Capsulitis | Frozen shoulder
- Achilles tendonitis
- Reduce lumbar spasm
- Pirifiromis syndrome
- Tennis elbow
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
- Improving osteoarthritic joint mobility

Shockwave treatment of Epicondylitis | Tennis Elbow
Many patients have come to us with osteoarthritic joints and have felt the immediate improvement in joint flexibility. For those who choose not to undergo joint replacement surgery, shockwave offers a maintenance alternative.
However, shockwave of arthritic joints is treating the symptoms, rather than the cause. For ultimate relief from the condition of osteoarthritis, preliminary treatment with shockwave, to loosen the joint, followed by MBST, to regrow the cartilage is the best solution.
frequently asked questions
What is the success rate of shockwave therapy?
The reported rate of clinical success is between 77 and 80 percent worldwide. Each treatment is cumulative and results are often felt after three or four sessions. You may even feel an improvement in your condition (usually a reduction of pain) after the very first treatment.
Does the treatment hurt? Does the treatment hurt?
There may be some discomfort during treatment, depending upon the level of pain that the patient is already experiencing in the area. However, since the treatments only last for about five minutes, most patients are able to tolerate this discomfort quite well. Additionally, the intensity of the treatment can be adjusted at the beginning of each session to allow some analgesic effects.
Will there be any pain after treatment?
Most patients will experience an immediate relief of pain following treatment. However, within 2-4 hours after treatment, they may experience some soreness in the treated area. This soreness has been reported as being very tolerable and it may last from a few hours to several days.
What about "physical activity" vs. "rest" following treatment?
It is recommended that patients refrain from physical activity, especially any that would involve the treated region, for 48 hours following each treatment session.
How many treatments are needed and how often?
Each treatment session takes approximately 5-10 minutes. Most conditions require three to five sessions. The treatments are done 3-10 days apart, depending upon the patient's tolerance and their tissue response.