Radial shockwave provides a non-invasive gentle treatment, designed to alleviate pain and speed up recovery from injury. Despite what the name might suggest, it does not involve any kind of electrical shock treatment. Instead, it sends low energy pressure waves into damaged tissues to stimulate the body’s natural repair process, speeding up recovery and reducing inflammation.

A common concern is that treatment will be painful and the answer is reassuringly no. In fact, most clients describe the sensation as being similar to a gentle tapping on the skin. 

This non-invasive treatment is very effective in treating problems such as:

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Calcified tendonitis
  • Chronic tendon problems (tendinopathies)
    - Achilles
    - Knee
    - Elbow
    - Shoulder
  • Muscle tightness
    - Legs
    - Buttocks
    - Spine
    - Arms


We have made shockwave a standard part of the treatment we offer and have kept to our ethos of providing the best value treatment we could by providing shockwave at no extra charge.  This is something we still do today and our clients love the fact that is an integral part of our hands on treatment capability. 

or call 01889 881488

Committed to provide the best treatment value to you

Our clients love shockwave and we also found that they liked a device called a V-ACTOR, which is a very powerful vibrational therapy tool, the power coming from the shockwave internals. Understandably our V-ACTOR has been sought after but only having one on site has restricted access at times.

Our major focus, however, has been on the shockwave treatment and over the years as demand grew we added more shockwave machines, eventually having four. 

Top Quality Treatment. Available to you at no extra cost


But our ethos remains the same – we want to provide the best treatment we can and that means the best hands on treatment, and for us that has to include both shockwave and vibrational therapy. Thus, we have taken the decision to add two more high quality shockwaves and both include the much loved V-ACTOR vibrational therapy.  They are already on site and are available to you at no extra cost should you need it.

Having six shockwaves on site is perhaps a sign of our commitment to provide the best treatment value to you.

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help

or call 01889 881488

You may have heard of gait analysis, you may even have visited your local running shop and had someone check your running out before buying the latest running shoe, but not all running gait analysis is equal and here’s why!

What if I told you that gait analysis is about more than just pronation and supination of the foot! 

It's quite a bit more in fact.

or call 01889 881488

Footwear can play a big role in how your body reacts to the forces of running, but researchers have shown that some of the biggest injury risk factors are linked to your running form.

Footscan plantar pressure data

Understanding your gait for analysis

Improving your running form takes a rigorous process looking at the movements of the entire body. Our biomechanics team use `video gait analysis combined with industry leading Footscan plantar pressure data to distinguish between normal and pathological gait. This technology has been utilised in more than 3,000 scientific studies, trusted by state-of-the-art movement labs and elite sports teams worldwide.

It can also help us to make informed decisions on how best to manage your injury, be it through bespoke rehabilitation plans, running technique and coaching advice or custom orthoses

Using Footscan we can design bespoke orthoses to aid with injury rehabilitation and performance, the same ones used by countless elite marathoners and footballers, should there be a need for them.

Aside from injury management, we also use our gait lab to help assess running technique with a view to improving running economy and performance. We can even predict overuse injury risk which is a leading cause of injuries in runners and military personnel.


From the moment you contact the ground to the moment you push off, your stride pattern speaks volumes about your injury risk and running economy, as such by analysing movement patterns and detailed data about your gait biomechanics we can really start to understand a lot more about how you could potentially move more efficiently and improve your running economy.

So, whether you are training for a marathon, or embarking on your couch to 5k this spring, we can help you solve those niggling injuries, or even unpick the lock to your next personal best!

We can help

or call 01889 881488