Meet Your Team
Our job is to get you out of pain, help recovery from injury and improve your quality of life. Our aim is to help you achieve your goals and ensure you maintain them.
Nicky Snazell's Pain Relief Clinic offers a strong team with a broad range of skills, maximising the diagnostic and treatment capability to you.
Please click on the individual's name to review their profile. - Enquire to find out how we can help you
Wellness, Physiotherapy and Pain Relief Therapists
Nicky Snazell

Director, Consultant Physiotherapist, Pain Specialist
David Paling

Clinical Lead, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Lowri Walker

Physiotherapist Therapist
Anton Narcisi

Sports Therapist
John Hodgkiss
Emma Jones
Senior Physiotherapist BSc
Frontline Staff
Alan Cramphorn
Jean Moss
Erica Byrne
Your pathway to optimum health
You can be confident that you will be diagnosed in depth and treated by a highly qualified team, backed up by comprehensive and latest technology.
Your recovery is not just about the treatment, it also depends on your confidence and trust in our abilities and the whole experience of visiting the clinic.
Walk through the door and you will immediately relax within a calming environment and with our friendly team. You can be confident in the knowledge that whoever you choose to see, the whole team is supportive. If you need to see a more senior physiotherapist, see a surgeon, get an ultrasound or MRI scan, this can be quickly arranged to suit you.
Technology is moving at a rapid pace and can offer you significant benefits. In this Nicky Snazell's Pain Relief Clinic excels. That means you will have access to various technologies some of which are only available at a handful of clinics in the UK. Add to that the first in the world pain specialist recognition and it is clear the Nicky Snazell's Pain Relief Clinic offers you a powerful package you can trust in.