
Whenever we have had a life-changing trauma, the whole body records it. Physically as well as mentally, our fight or flight reactions can hard-wire responses. 

In a traumatic moment, if we have been emotionally abused or upset or terrified or hurt, the body tenses. Our bodies are covered with a layer of fascia (imagine bubble wrap as an analogy). The fascia gets taut, the muscles tighten and at that moment, these contractures can get stuck, and left untreated, they are there forever. The trauma of a particular emotional of physical event is locked in the body. 

A background rumble, aching away, and that's because the tightness is not allowing enough oxygen and nutrition to get to those precious nerves underneath. That can lead to horrible, unrelenting chronic pain.

The wonderful thing about this is you don't need to hang onto that chronic pain.

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The solution requires delving deeper into the tissue layers of the body. This is where you can obtain healing from deeply hidden emotional and physical pain. Deep in your body you are walking through the catacombs of your mind and accessing its memories. An archaeological dig of past emotions.

Massage has been used for thousands of years to help treat pain, the level of success linked to the knowledge and expertise of the masseur. The physiotherapy profession started with masseurs and has steadily evolved as its knowledge and understanding of how the body works and how each muscle, ligament, tendon and fascia contributes to the body function.

Our physiotherapists are thus highly trained masseurs and will use their hands to help identify specific problems and trigger points where pain is localised and intense.

Once the problem has been identified your therapist has many technology options to massage, some suited for very deep problems and others for shallow problems. While a therapist may choose at times to use his hands and body to treat, it may well be that our broad technology base provides more effective treatment and be preferable to you.

  • Radial shockwave has the ability to penetrate deeply and strongly to release tight constricting contractures in the muscles and heal angry tendons.
  • Our V-Actor massage technology provides a soothing deep massage and is great at improving circulation and reducing pain.
  • Our deep oscillation technology provides a soothing frequency that resonates in a way to calm pain, inflammation, and fear.

We will use various techniques to get into those trigger points, those pain bodies. Our therapists are also trained in energy medicine, beginners to Reiki Master level, and will be very aware of energetically releasing that trigger point whilst listening and working with your emotions. For you, it is a wonderful, emotional moment when you get a release from something that's haunted you for very long time.

You may have suffered with pain for a long time. Maybe you have pain or trauma you haven't shared with you own physiotherapist and perhaps now feel more confident in asking them about this type of treatment.

If you are in pain, we can help

or call 01889 881488

Jean, Erica & Charlotte will be happy to help